Thanks to Mike Adams I had a change in careers. My health did a complete turnaround and I decided to finally utilize my knowledge of nutrition and wellness to help others. Years ago in Germany I took a nutritional consulting course but didn't feel like I was the picture of health so didn't do anything with it.
Originally I went to Humber College and studied Retail Floristry. Several years of touching flowers that had been grown with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides left me with some major chemical sensitivities. I suppose the Round Up that got spilled down my back working a summer gardening job didn't help either. Combined with bad dentistry leaving me with a huge mercury overload, I was a complete wreck to put it nicely.
It took years before someone was able to diagnose my chronic fatigue and brain fog as MCS--Multiple Chemical Sensitivity-- and mercury toxicity. Amalgam removal only served to lighten my wallet, but didn't appear to lighten my brain of the fog. I tried tens of thousands of dollars and Euros worth of therapies, supplements, fasting, juicing, etc before finding my answer on Mike's site.
Within ten days of using Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) my brain fog completely lifted and 3 years later hasn't come back. I've personally helped hundreds of people back to a normal state of health using this wonderful product. See my website if you'd like to know more about that. In short it will remove mercury, arsenic, lead, aluminum, cadmium and numerous other toxins.
I'm an advocate of the raw food diet as well but it must be done properly in order to not flood the body with toxins all at once. Cleansing is good. Cleansing too quickly can be very harmful. I'd be happy to guide you through that or lead you to good sources of information where you can learn yourself.
I also like to work with pets and horses. When I lived in Europe I did horse massage on some very high caliber professional equestrian horses and improved their flexibility enough to raise their jumping ability by several centimeters. That may not sound like much but it can be a difference of over $100000 between first and second prize. If you own race horses or other professional horses I can teach you simple methods even over the phone to duplicate this result or I can fly in and show you and your staff in person.
More to come!